Staff Pick: Gorilla Glue!

This week’s staff pick is Gorilla Glue chosen by our rockstar team member Candy! Candy smokes Gorilla Glue when she gets home from work to wind down. When asked what she likes to do after smoking it she replied “Not a damn thing! Unless it is watching the squirrels and birds my yard.” Ease out […]

Simplify your day…

Simplify your day with a pre-roll and some time to yourself. Your favorite strains come as singles or packs of 3. Ask for Tokem next time you visit your favorite retailer!

May the fourth be with you! | Ewok Wax

Featured above: Ewok hydrocarbon wax, Indica hybrid.   If it feels like the dark side is closing in, remember… the heroes always win. May the fourth be with you!

We’re daydreaming too…

We’re daydreaming of the day when we can get back to spending time with friends, passing to the right, and digging in. What’s your go-to safety meeting snack?